Friday 10 August 2012

Recipe for today :
Tomato And Onion Based Gravy:-
Ingredients - 3 chopped onions, 2 chopped tomatoes, dry masala [2 tea spoon dhania powder (coriander powder), 2 tea spoon garam masala, half tea spoon haldi powder(turmeric powder) , 1 tea spoon red chili powder], salt, ginger garlic paste, refined oil .
Method - take an indian woke (karai), turn on the gas, put 2-3 round spoon refined oil, heat it abit, put chopped onions , cook them till they get golden brown, add 1 and a half spoon ginger garlic paste, cook it, slow the gas, put dry masala in the woke, add a round spoon of water to it , cook till aroma start coming, add tomatoes and salt, medium the flames, cook for 10 minute and the gravy is ready :)

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